比較 在各種圖像格式間比較內容

透過分析圖片所展示的具體人、事、物並結合其顏色、清晰度、圖元等諸多要素進行一系列的計算,最終找出重複圖片。結果與圖片格式無關,能找出類似這樣的重複照片清單:“公司.jpg”、“公司微調.png”、“公司 2.bmp”及“公司 備份.jpg”。瞭解詳情


勾選 智慧選擇及其他多種勾選方式

本產品除了快速、全面、準確地找出重複圖片之外,另一個重要功能則是快速、準確地刪除不需要者。為此,我們調查分析了大量實際使用者行為及重複圖片產生的原因,創新地研發出了“智慧選擇”這個強大的自動化功能。除了智慧選擇,我們同時也提供了其他 5 種勾選方式,如按路徑、按驅動器等。


極度相似 能找出極度相似之圖片



結果可複用 結果可複用:能存儲 / 載入重複圖片清單


支援所有常見圖片類型(1,000 種以上)

除了 JPG、PNG、GIF、BMP、TIF、Icon 這六種常用類型外,還支持其他共計上千種圖片類型。更重要的是:即使您有個別極特殊的圖片類型不被支援且需要搜尋,也能通過“圖片類型管理”介面的“增加…”按鈕輕鬆添加之。瞭解詳情
實用選項 實用選項:智慧選擇、起始大小、子資料夾、隱藏檔等


一旦完成,結果將會自動顯示出來,您可以通過工具列按鈕或右鍵功能表對勾選 / 高亮圖片作一些操作。所有工具列命令都有提示及快速鍵。

# 以下是一些重要操作,供參考 #

* 重置搜尋條件為預設值 *

* 在啟動介面載入結果(*.DPFP) *

* 設定搜尋選項 *

* 登錄您的許可證 *

* 預覽區 *
  • 圖片次序:與結果清單中選定分組一致。
  • 提示:將滑鼠移至圖片會自動提示其全路徑。
  • 按一下:將使用您的預設圖片檢視器開啟圖片。
  • 調整大小:調整列表和預覽區之間的分割條即可(當滑鼠指標改變時拖放分隔條)。
* 為所有重複圖片分組只保留一張圖片(刪除其他所有) *
為每個分組勾選一張需要的圖片,然後按“勾選 -> 反向勾選”功能表項目以反轉選擇,最後,按<刪除>按鈕以刪除其他不需要的圖片。此外,DPFP 會使用智慧選擇技術自動勾選不需要的圖片,您也可在選項介面設定智慧選擇參數。

* 多種勾選不需要圖片的方法 *
DPFP 為您提供了多種方法來勾選不需要的圖片:
  • 智慧選擇:將根據您的設定自動勾選不需要的圖片。您可在“選項”介面啟用它及設定相關規則。
  • 手動勾選:仔細檢查重複圖片並手工勾選不需要者。
  • 取消所有勾選:位於結果介面的<勾選>按鈕下(以下三種方式位置相同),如果您作了錯誤勾選,則可以“取消所有勾選”後再次進行勾選。
  • 反向勾選:通常用於手動勾選需要的圖片後,再作“反向勾選”以快速勾選所有不需要的圖片。
  • 按路徑:將顯示一個包含當前重複圖片所有路徑的清單,若不需要的圖片剛好存儲於一些特定路徑,該功能將非常有用。
  • 按驅動器:將列出所有驅動器供勾選,若不需要的圖片剛好存儲於一些特定驅動器,該功能將非常有用。
* 讓它更快地執行 *
Scott DuBose Photography (US)
Waffenprofi (DE)
Hotel Fahrner (AT)
ORR Group (US)
Dream Template (AU)
Industrious Design Pty. Ltd. (AU)
Next Level Solutions for Real Estate (US)
Classic Property Management (US)
CT-MODELCARS (BE) Michael Vervier Photography (US)
Kam Designs & Consulting (US) Link GmbH (DE) Rothmans' Unlimited Diversified (US) Demelza Surfs garage sales for goodies (US) Dreampearl (DE)
Compatible with Windows 10 Compatible with Windows 8 Compatible with Windows 7 100% Clean Softpedia's Rating Software Informer Eidtor's Pick Software Informer Eidtor's Rating
新功能 / 改進 Bugs 修復
  • 重要(I):支援自訂主題。
  • I: 執行批量作業(如刪除、移動、載入、勾選)時,結果清單保持穩定,再也不會出現閃爍。
  • I:全面控制搜尋過程中及搜尋完成後主介面控制項的可用性。
  • I: 結果清單各指令的快捷鍵進一步優化。
  • 優化智慧勾選的效率。
  • 優化結果清單的資料存取演算法。
  • 優化法文的選項介面文字。
  • I:正在掃描時退出程式不能立即結束進程!
  • I:西班牙文的介面文字不能載入。
  • I:Icon 類型缺失 .icon 副檔名。
  • 重要(I):結果介面能重置為智慧勾選狀態。
  • I:購買後能直接在結果介面輸入許可證金鑰進行登錄,以免重新掃描或載入。
  • I:掃描時自動跳過資源回收筒。
  • I:掃描後自動選中結果清單第一項資源,以便顯示預覽。
  • 完全支持原生匈牙利文。
  • 選項介面控制項位置優化,更美觀易用。
  • 優化西班牙文的選項介面文本。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:主介面隱藏/顯示按鈕的圖示用反了。
  • 掃描完成後主介面未恢復可用,特別是“立即搜尋”按鈕還顯示為“暫停”,需要關閉結果介面才能還原。
  • 重要(I):支援自動及定時掃描(通過 /F 參數啟動)。
  • I:選擇指定資源進行掃描時,能記住並展開使用者最後到達的路徑。
  • I:“僅掃描以下資料夾/檔案”清單及“資料夾/檔案選擇器”介面支援拖放。
  • I:“僅掃描以下資料夾/檔案”支援直接清空清單。
  • 完全支持原生西班牙文(哥倫比亞)。
  • 確保“只掃描達到以下大小(KB)的檔案”選項值始終被顯示,即使您刪掉了它。
  • 發現新版本並選擇檢視更新後,能直接展開更新記錄(以往只是跳到該段落,但需要手動展開)。
  • I:在阿拉伯文版中,掃描時不能顯示進度條。
  • 結果介面預覽、統計及提示區標題未應用主題。
  • 阿拉伯語文字未被完全翻譯。
  • 重要(I):去掉結果介面的篩檢程式,對圖片來說意義不大!
  • I:在主介面載入結果時若使用者選擇了取消,需要將結果介面一併關閉。(更友好。)
  • 讓滑鼠移至所有上下文功能表項目時的背景色與主題統一。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:若掃描未結束,關閉主介面時居然會播放掃描結束聲音。
  • 若使用者電腦為非西曆(如佛曆、伊斯蘭曆等),則可能出現有效許可證被判定為已過期的情況。
  • 重要(I):完全支持原生波蘭文。
  • 優化德語文本。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:極少數電腦上會出現盜版誤報的情況。
  • 重要(I):添加“大小”設定到“智慧選擇”功能,可被設定為“最小”或“最大”。
  • I:“按路徑勾選條目”介面能通過輸入的文字搜尋並勾選路徑。
  • I:“按路徑勾選條目”介面支援全選與不選。之前的版本只能取消所有勾選。
  • “圖片類型管理”介面支援按<F3>搜尋類型。
  • 選項介面:修改“警告”文字為“提示”,並將其顏色由橙色改為綠色,更友好。
  • 最佳化樹狀視圖外觀,使其更美觀易用。
  • 最佳化主介面文字格式(粗體改為綠色),更易讀。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:“按路徑勾選條目”介面:取消勾選所有路徑再按<確定>對結果介面無任何影響,正確的處理方式應為取消結果清單所有條目的勾選。
  • I:不能顯示名稱含 Unicode 字元之資源的“內容”框。
  • 重要(I):支持啟動/暫停/繼續當前搜尋任務。之前的版本只能啟動及停止。
  • I:增加了一個非常重要的選項——“只掃描達到以下大小(KB)的檔案”。
  • I:完全支持原生義大利文。
  • 預置皮膚由灰色改為藍色。
  • 將當前主題應用至所有功能表項目。
  • 阿拉伯文版所有介面顯示的優化(更美觀易讀)。
  • 重要(I):可隱藏/顯示主介面底部按鈕。
  • 灰色主題優化。
  • 優化許可證驗證模組。
  • I:若需要開啟的檔案沒有關聯的執行程式,則在 Win8+ 系統上不會顯示系統的“您想如何開啟該檔案?”對話方塊。
  • 重要(I):增加切換主題功能,並精心設計了 4 套美觀的預置配色方案。
  • I:“資料夾/檔案選擇器”能直接顯示桌面、下載、文件、音樂、影片、圖片等常用位置。
  • I:內置圖片類型由 50 種左右增加至 1,000 種以上。
  • I:優化了大量圖示:更美觀、更易於理解,外觀、大小等的統一。
  • I:能記憶預覽區域高度。
  • 將不太重要的“推薦給朋友”功能移至“更多……”按鈕的下拉式功能表。
  • 能顯示簡體中文及繁體中文的升級記錄。
  • 優化繁體中文的軟體文本。
  • 產品主頁大幅優化。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • 重要(I):優化核心演算法——比較圖像內容而不是檔案內容。現在能找出更多重複圖片(即使是不同類型,如在 jpg、png 和 gif 之間)。此外,能找出極度相似之圖片。
  • I:能按驅動器及路徑勾選重複圖片。
  • I:能單獨地重置掃描條件(之前的版本只能重置所有條件)。
  • I:“圖片類型管理”介面能顯示排序箭頭。
  • I:完全支持原生荷蘭語。
  • 讓各語種結果介面(尤其是工具列)能在解析度為 1024 * ? 的螢幕上完整顯示。
  • 新增或編輯圖片類型時若出現了 OS 不允許之字元能給出對應提示而不是簡單地告知用戶副檔名不正確。
  • 能在系統“程式及功能”清單中顯示產品徽標。
  • 優化安裝程式的許可證協定文字格式,使其更易閱讀。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • 重要(I):能隱藏/顯示結果介面的統計、提示區,並能記住您的設定。
  • I:掃描時顯示進度條,包括總體完成進度及當前正在進行的步驟。
  • I:掃描完成後播放聲音並可設定您喜愛的聲音。
  • I:添加“搜尋”功能到“圖片類型管理”介面。
  • I:調整結果介面工具列按鈕及上下文功能表項目次序並分組。
  • I:完全支持原生俄語。
  • 結果介面預設最大化。(為什麼不呢?)
  • 優化安裝程式的授權合約。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • 簡體中文版筆誤:“加收站”應為“回收站”。
Aug 16, 2019

Download This Version
  • Important (I): uses the different icon for system drive.
  • I: uses the Windows 10 style icons for all resources (drives, folders and files).
  • I: standardized a few shortcut keys, made them consistent with Windows, such as use <Alt+Enter> to display resource properties window (previous versions use <F4>).
  • I: fully supports native Turkish.
  • I: optimized the appearance for the resource trees or lists which have the check boxes with icons - increased the distance between the check box and the icon.
  • I: optimized the [Spent] info in the "Statistics" area, made the information more fluent and concise.
  • Optimized official website.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • I: in a few countries which use the period (".") as the digital grouping symbol, the [Size] may be displayed incorrectly, and has not sorted in descending order.
  • I: the result is not sorted by [Size] in descending order if you loaded a result file from main interface.
Jul 19, 2019

Download This Version
  • Important (I): can remember the latest search conditions.
  • I: all interfaces are more perfectly displayed under different DPI settings for different systems.
  • I: fully supports native Slovenščina.
  • I: fully supports native Français.
  • Removed the hot keys for "Only scan ... drive(s)" and "Only scan ... folders/files" due to they are no sense.
  • Picture types manager: accurately adjusts the size and location of every UI element, let them display properly in all languages.
  • Now can show the Usage directly after clicked the Help button on the main interface (in previous versions, just only jump to the 'Usage' segment, but have not expanded it, you need to expand it manually to see the usage).
  • Optimized "Request support..." related features.
  • Optimized official website.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
May 16, 2018

Download This Version
  • Important (I): fully supports native Deutsch.
  • I: fully supports native Español.
  • I: can fully displays all UI elements on the result interface for all languages.
  • Uniformed the shortcuts for "Load Result" action - <Ctrl+L>.
  • Result interface: optimized the size, layout and icon for the toolbar and context menu.
  • Accurately adjusted the size & location for all elements on the Options interface.
  • The result list can always get focus after found items.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • I: lost a text item: repeat_ext ("Repeating extension found, please correct it:").
Oct 03, 2017

Download This Version
  • Important (I): can move the checked duplicate photos to other place.
  • I: fully supports native Português (Portugal).
  • I: fully supports native العربية.
  • I: can copy the full path of the highlighted resource to the Clipboard.
  • Added "Get free license key via translation" function to the ... drop-down button.
  • Changed "Get/retrieve your license (free)" menu item to "Lost license key?" to eliminate ambiguity.
  • Optimized the "Lost license key?" feature - links to the related segment of company site directly, in order to avoid clicking the mouse twice and jumping the page again.
  • Removed some useless resources, compacted product and improved efficiency.
  • Optimized official website and translation interface.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
Sep 14, 2017

Download This Version
  • Important (I): made the progress window for deleting duplicate photos - lists the photos to be deleted for confirmation, displays progress bar, dynamically updates list during deleting, prevents the UI to be not responded during deleting photos. Also available for moving duplicate photos to Recycle Bin.
  • I: gives you a report after deleted duplicates: number of photos, released space, the photos that cannot be deleted and reasons. Also available for moving duplicate photos to Recycle Bin.
  • I: greatly improved the speed of filtering result by size.
  • Added the "Video tutorial" menu item to the "..." button.
  • Added the "Update history" menu item to the "..." button.
  • Removed the "Add to Quick Launch Bar" option from the installer, because from Win Vista, it has no meaning.
  • Optimized the "Request remote support" feature - links to company site directly, in order to avoid clicking the mouse twice and jumping the page again.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • An item has not been translated for English language.
Oct 27, 2016

Download This Version
  • Important: GREATLY improved the loading speed, includes loading after finding and directly loading from the result file.
  • Important: made the smart selection feature with the corresponding settings: automatically checks the unwanted pictures and only keeps one for each duplicate group, in order to let you quickly delete them or move them to the Recycle Bin.
  • Important: added the "Find" function for the result listing, now you can find picture by name or path.
  • Important: displays the [Date created] field in the result listing.
  • Important: supports multi-language.
  • Important: fully supports native 简体中文 & 繁體中文.
  • Important: now the installer supports multi-language also, and let you choose when install. Even, it can directly use the language that selected during installing.
  • Groups the options by horizontal line, friendlier and easier to use.
  • Optimized software texts, especially, standardized the upper or lower case of initials.
  • Open translation interface for multi-language version.
Aug 14, 2016
  • Important: optimized the interface greatly: more beautiful, friendlier and easier to use.
  • Important: uses the Segoe UI font which is used in Vista ~ Win10 and highly recommended by Microsoft for all interfaces, makes it to be more beautiful and friendlier greatly.
  • Important: changed the screenshots (website) from GIF to PNG, in order to let you see the clear and original interfaces.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Optimized the color of license type and "license to..." labels for about interface.
  • Changed the splitter color from black to gray for about interface to make it friendlier.
  • Optimized the installer, simplified the installed steps.
Oct 14, 2015
  • Fixed some text errors.
Oct 13, 2015
  • Important: perfected UI effect for any system DPI setting, in any supported Operating Systems (system DPI setting: in Windows 7, it can be changed at "Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display -> Make text and other items larger or smaller").
  • Important: supports Windows 10.
  • Important: uses Golden Ratio for the start position of the main interface.
  • Beautified About interface.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Optimized website texts.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized the definition of some icons.
Apr 14, 2014
  • Can adjust the size of preview area.
  • Displays the statistics of the checked files.
  • Supports to open/run the highlighted file by a friendlier way: double-click.
  • Optimized some interface texts, especially, the singular and plural, e.g. file/files, folder/folders, byte/bytes, group/groups, second/seconds, minute/minutes, and so on.
  • Can automatically adjust the size of each picture to be fit in the preview area when resize the result window.
  • Beautify the borders of the preview area: uses the single borders.
Dec 18, 2013
  • Supports to preview pictures of the selected group.
  • Supports to select folder(s) / file(s) to scan/compare.
  • Supports to highlight the selected group.
  • Supports to save / load the result (.DPFP files).
  • Added option: Anyway, do NOT scan the hidden files (yes/no).
  • Added option: Anyway, do NOT scan the following system / special folders. The default setting contains Windows, Program Files and Application Data for All Users / Current User folders, and more.
  • Fixed an invalid shortcut key on the start interface.
  • The <Clear> button is dead (no alternate background colors) on the "Folder(s) / File(s) Selector" interface.
Oct 21, 2013
  • Supports to invert checks. Now, you can only check one file for all groups, and then click <Invert> button to check all other files (only retain one file for all groups).
Jul 09, 2013
  • Supports to manage the picture types.
Mar 12, 2013
  • New release.


按右側相關按鈕即可將本產品分享至微博、微信、QQ 等。


您也可通過使用以下文字在 eMail 中或其他地方手動分享本產品。

主題:軟體推薦 - 重複照片搜尋器加強版 - 根據圖像內容快速搜尋並清除您驅動器裡的重複圖片(來自 ‘您的名稱’)









由 TuxedoTraveler @ 2021/11/01
a great tool for your toolbox
This is a great download, a great tool for your toolbox, and truly a keeper. Thank you TriSun!!

由 buckoooo @ 2021/03/21
I'm glad i tried
I'm glad i tried, it found duplicate's pics i never knew I had all in different folders on 3 drive's, deleted the one's i did not need, about 350 of them, this is a keeper and will run it 2 or 3 times a year to do what it say's on the can. Thank you Trisun.

由 John User @ 2020/04/22
in my experience, these are the best!
I purchased 10 computer licenses to both Photo Finder and MP3 Finder about a year ago. I am using about 6 of those licenses on 6 different computers all running Windows 10 (some Home, some Pro) and have not had any problems. There are a number of similar programs out there to these two, but in my experience, these are the best. If I had to mention one feature of these programs that I like best, and there are a lot of other good features, it is the speed with which the programs analyzes, highlights duplicates and allows you to delete. Other programs I have tried seem to take all day scanning drives/directories when you have a good number of photo or music files.

由 John User @ 2019/03/06
I ran the program and was VERY impressed
I ran the program and was VERY impressed. I have only a 200 gb, HD but it has more that 21,000 picture files. The scan took less than five minutes and came up with a large number of duplicate pictures I can go through now. There are some very useful filters available to use with this program as well.

由 Softpedia.com @ 2015/09/23
A practical and comprehensive utility that comes in handy for users who need to remove duplicate pictures from their hard drives
This Duplicate Photo Remover is a straightforward and reliable piece of software designed to find duplicate photos on your drives relied on content and remove them with ease, regardless of the output format, size or location. Considering that temporary files are the main reason why you are running out of space, another cause that you might come across is the duplicate files and folders stored into your computer. Unless you won't use specialized applications that help you to remove such files, you will spend hours to search them and here is where this duplicate picture finder comes in handy. It is able to find all the duplicate pictures by scanning all the available drives or specific folders and remove them effortlessly. Since it comes with a built-in comparison algorithm, it identifies the duplicate photos by their content, not by size, name or last modified date. This way, you can rest assured that you will get accurate results. Additional configurations can be made from the main window of the application by selecting the picture formats you are interested in and choosing only the folders you want to be scanned. Once the searching process is finished, the application displays a list with all the identified photos and highlights the duplicate ones. It sorts them in a descending order so you can locate the larger unwanted photos. What's more, you can also perform common actions on the checked pictures such as 'Move to Recycle Bin', 'Open Location', 'Uncheck All' and 'Invert', to name a few. Also, you are able to load an existing DPFP list to view the previous results. In closing, Duplicate Photo Finder Plus is a practical and effective application that comes in handy for users who need to scan all the available devices, drives or folders and remove duplicate images from their computer.

由 Software.Informer.com @ 2014/05/06
Quickly find and clean duplicate pictures on Your Drives Relied on Picture Content
Duplicate pictures not only waste precious disk space, but they can also mess up any photo collection. Since photos often don't have relevant names, finding the duplicate ones is a very difficult job to perform manually, without any specialized help. In order to be accurate, the duplicate photo detection process must take account of the actual content of the pictures, but not their names, sizes, and other unimportant aspects that can lead to unreliable duplicate scan results. This duplicate image finder is a reliable utility that scans any drive or folder for duplicate photos based on their graphic content. The fact that it accurately detects duplicates is not its only advantage. It also scans even large drives in a quick manner, saving you a lot of precious time. Furthermore, it is very easy-to-use, thanks to the simple and intuitive interface. Even beginners can use Duplicate Photo Finder Plus without any problem. Once detected, the duplicate images can be previewed right from the program's interface. It also supports all popular image file formats and it allows saving the results lists for later usage. In conclusion, this find similar images tool is a reliable solution to quickly and easily get rid of duplicate photos. It is really handy and its price is affordable. In my opinion, it is surely worth a try.

由 BitsDuJour.com @ 2013/12/21
Quickly and Easily Identify Duplicate Images
In the old days, finding duplicate images was as easy as comparing file names, or file sizes. But today's massive photo libraries require a lot more work than that, and more time than anyone ever has on hand! Enter today's discount software promotion, Duplicate Photo Finder Plus! Duplicate Photo Finder Plus lets you quickly identify duplicate photos, using a high speed algorithm that's accurate. With Duplicate Photo Finder Plus, you'll enjoy support for nearly every popular graphics file format, and will experience immediate results in just one click. Just use Duplicate Photo Finder Plus to scan entire drives, or specific folders or file types, even hidden ones. A preview function lets you see what you're deleting before you delete duplicate photos. Imagine how much hard drive space you'll recover by deleting duplicate images! Plus, you'll be amazed at how the program detects photos by actually analyzing content, not just file name, timestamps, or file size!

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