比較 比較檔案內容,結果 100% 準確



勾選 智慧選擇及其他多種勾選方式

本產品除了快速、全面、準確地找出重複檔案之外,另一個重要功能則是快速、準確地刪除不需要者。為此,我們調查分析了大量實際用戶行為及重複檔產生的原因,創新地研發出了“智慧選擇”這個強大的自動化功能。除了智慧選擇,我們同時也提供了其他 5 種勾選方式,如按路徑、按驅動器等。




結果可複用 結果可複用:能存儲 / 載入重複檔案清單

實用選項 實用選項:智慧選擇、比較演算法、子資料夾等


一旦完成,結果將會自動顯示出來,您可以通過工具列按鈕或右鍵功能表對勾選 / 高亮檔案作一些操作。所有工具列命令都有提示及快速鍵。

# 以下是一些重要操作,供參考 #

* 重置搜尋條件為預設值 *

* 在啟動介面載入結果(*.D2FP) *

* 設定搜尋選項 *

* 登錄您的許可證 *

* 只掃描指定檔案類型 *
取消勾選“選擇類型”區域的“全選/不選”,再勾選“指定”並手動輸入副檔名。格式:.副檔名 1.副檔名 2.副檔名 3...(無逗號(,)或分號(;)),如:.txt.doc.xls.ppt

* 掃描時排除檔案類型 *
在“選擇類型”區域勾選需要掃描的類型,然後勾選“排除”並 手動輸入檔副檔名。格式:.副檔名 1.副檔名 2.副檔名 3...(無逗號(,)或分號(;)),如:.txt.doc.xls.ppt

* 找出空檔及資料夾 *
在“選擇大小”區域勾選“空檔及資料夾”然後按下<立即查找>按鈕將找出指定驅動器 / 資料夾下的空檔及資料夾,請注意此操作會忽略已選定的類型。實際上,這是 D2FP 提供的一個額外工具。

* 為所有重複檔分組只保留一個檔案(刪除其他所有) *
為每個分組勾選一個需要的檔案,然後按<反選>按鈕以反轉選擇,最後,按<刪除>按鈕以刪除其他不需要的檔案。此外,D2FP 會使用智慧選擇技術自動勾選不需要的檔案,您也可在選項介面設置智慧選擇參數。
提示: 您可以改變篩檢器以查看更少的檔案。

* 多種勾選不需要檔案的方法 *
D2FP 為您提供了多種方法來勾選不需要的檔案:
  • 智慧選擇:將根據您的設定自動勾選不需要的檔案。您可在“選項”介面啟用它及設定相關規則。
  • 手動勾選:仔細檢查重複檔並手工勾選不需要者。
  • 取消所有勾選:位於結果介面的<勾選>按鈕下(以下三種方式位置相同),如果您作了錯誤勾選,則可以“取消所有勾選”後再次進行勾選。
  • 反向勾選:通常用於手動勾選需要的檔案後,再作“反向勾選”以快速勾選所有不需要的檔案。
  • 按路徑:將顯示一個包含當前重複檔所有路徑的清單,若不需要的檔案剛好存儲於一些特定路徑,該功能將非常有用。
  • 按驅動器:將列出所有驅動器供勾選,若不需要的檔案剛好存儲於一些特定驅動器,該功能將非常有用。
* 讓它更快地執行 *
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Compatible with Windows 10 Compatible with Windows 8 Compatible with Windows 7 100% Clean Softpedia's Rating Software Informer Eidtor's Pick Software Informer Eidtor's Rating
新功能 / 改進 Bugs 修復
  • 重要(I):支援自訂主題。
  • I:大幅提高了按大小篩選結果的速度。
  • 優化一些提示資訊文字,更準確。
  • 發現無效的“指定”副檔名後能讓輸入框獲得駐點。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:正在掃描時退出程式不能立即結束進程!
  • I:非英文下,關閉載入之結果也會提示存儲。
  • I:若“指定”類型輸入有效,切換語種後未保留之。
  • 修正一些俄語文字錯誤。
  • 若用戶電腦使用非西曆(如佛曆、伊斯蘭曆等),則可能出現有效許可證被判定為已過期的情況。
  • 重要(I):結果介面能重置為智慧勾選狀態。
  • I:購買後能直接在結果介面輸入許可證金鑰進行登錄,以免重新掃描或載入。
  • I:掃描時自動跳過資源回收筒。
  • 完全支持原生西班牙文(哥倫比亞)。
  • 讓滑鼠移至所有上下文功能表項目時的背景色與主題統一。
  • 選項介面控制項位置優化,更美觀易用。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:從主介面載入結果排序不對——沒有按 size 降冪排列。
  • I:主介面隱藏/顯示按鈕的圖示用反了。
  • 掃描完成後主介面未恢復可用,特別是“立即搜尋”按鈕還顯示為“暫停”,需要關閉結果介面才能還原。
  • 重要(I):支援自動及定時掃描(通過 /F 參數啟動)。
  • I:內置視訊類型由 265 種增加至 481 種。
  • I:選擇指定資源進行掃描時,能記住並展開使用者最後到達的路徑。
  • I:“僅掃描以下資料夾/檔案”清單及“資料夾/檔案選擇器”介面支援拖放。
  • I:“僅掃描以下資料夾/檔案”支援直接清空清單。
  • 讓滑鼠移至上下文功能表項目時的背景色與主題統一。
  • 將 .md 檔案類型從“壓縮包”分類移至“文件”,儘管它也是一種壓縮包,但作為文件更常見。
  • 產品的 .exe 檔描述資訊有小問題。
  • 韓語文字未被完全翻譯。
  • 結果介面統計及提示區標題未應用主題。
  • 重要(I):內置圖片類型由 138 種增加至 1,022 種。
  • I: 執行批量作業(如刪除、移動、篩檢、載入、勾選)時,結果清單保持穩定,再也不會出現閃爍。
  • I:完全支持原生匈牙利文。
  • 優化 DE、FR、IT、PL、PT_BR、SL、FI 語種的選項介面文本。
  • 所有樹狀圖外觀優化:更美觀、易用。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • 重要(I):去掉結果介面的篩檢程式,對圖片來說意義不大!
  • I:在主介面載入結果時若使用者選擇了取消,需要將結果介面一併關閉。(更友好。)
  • 讓滑鼠移至所有上下文功能表項目時的背景色與主題統一。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:若掃描未結束,關閉主介面時居然會播放掃描結束聲音。
  • 若使用者電腦為非西曆(如佛曆、伊斯蘭曆等),則可能出現有效許可證被判定為已過期的情況。
  • 重要(I):支持搜尋空資料夾。之前的版本只支持搜尋空檔。
  • I:“按路徑勾選條目”介面能通過輸入的文字搜尋並勾選路徑。
  • I:“按路徑勾選條目”介面支援全選與不選。之前的版本只能取消所有勾選。
  • I:大幅提升檔案比較及結果載入速度。
  • 最佳化主介面文字格式(粗體改為綠色),更易讀。
  • 最佳化灰色主題。
  • 最佳化繁體中文軟體文字。
  • 最佳化安裝包的許可證協定文字格式,更易讀。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:“按路徑勾選條目”介面:取消勾選所有路徑再按<確定>對結果介面無任何影響,正確的處理方式應為取消結果清單所有條目的勾選。
  • 重要(I):支持啟動/暫停/繼續當前搜尋任務。之前的版本只能啟動及停止。
  • I:內置“音訊”類型由 355 種增加至 484 種。
  • 預置皮膚由灰色改為藍色。
  • 所有語種軟體文本優化。
  • 能顯示簡體中文及繁體中文的升級記錄。
  • I:對掃描類型的記憶不准。
  • 重要(I):可隱藏/顯示主介面底部按鈕。
  • 優化許可證驗證模組。
  • I:若需要開啟的檔案沒有關聯的執行程式,則在 Win8+ 系統上不會顯示系統的“您想如何開啟該檔案?”對話盒。
  • 不能在關於介面顯示出授權人名或公司名中的 & 符號(若有)。
  • 重要(I):增加切換主題功能,並精心設計了 4 套美觀的預置配色方案。
  • I:“資料夾/檔案選擇器”能直接顯示桌面、下載、文件、音樂、影片、圖片等常用位置。
  • I:內置“文件”類型由 90 種增加至 1,160 種。
  • I:優化了大量圖示:更美觀、更易於理解,外觀、大小等的統一。
  • I:結果介面各篩檢程式加入具體大小區間。
  • 指定類型時若出現了 OS 不允許之字元能給出對應提示。
  • 優化選定重複分組背景色。
  • 將不太重要的“推薦給朋友”功能移至“更多……”按鈕的下拉式功能表。
  • 優化簡體中文的軟體文本。
  • 產品主頁大幅優化。
  • 重要(I):極大地提高了刪除或移動重複檔之後載入結果的速度!
  • I:內置“應用程式”類型由 5 種增加至 182 種。
  • I:完全支持原生烏克蘭語。
  • I:掃描指定資料夾/檔案時可以手工輸入/粘貼全路徑進行添加。
  • 優化智慧選擇的效率。
  • 優化結果清單資料存取演算法。
  • 確保“對於達到以下大小的大檔案……”選項值始終被顯示,即使您刪掉了該值。
  • 優化義大利語的軟體文字。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:修正多種語言的單複數單位問題,如“0 byte”應為“0 bytes”。
  • 重要(I):掃描時能排除指定檔案類型。
  • I:可按驅動器及路徑勾選重複檔。
  • I:按 Windows 10 規範重新定義大小分段,以符合當今情況。
  • I:完全支持原生法語。
  • I:能記住最後設定的各掃描條件。
  • 選項介面:修改“警告”文字為“提示”,並將其顏色由橙色改為綠色,更友好。
  • 優化簡體中文及繁體中文的軟體文本。
  • 優化安裝程式的許可證協定。
  • 能在系統“程式及功能”清單中顯示產品徽標。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • 重要(I):能隱藏/顯示結果介面的統計、提示區,並能記住您的設定。
  • I:掃描時顯示進度條,包括總體完成進度及當前正在進行的步驟。
  • I:掃描完成後播放聲音並可設定您喜愛的聲音。
  • I:調整結果介面工具列按鈕及上下文功能表項目次序並分組。
  • I:完全支持原生義大利語。
  • I:內置壓縮包類型由 22 種增至 283 種。
  • 結果介面預設最大化。(為什麼不呢?)
  • 優化“請求支援”相關功能。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • 簡體中文版筆誤:“加收站”應為“回收站”。
Aug 23, 2019

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  • Important (I): fully supports native Suomi.
  • I: uses the different icon for system drive.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • I: in a few countries which use the period (".") as the digital grouping symbol, the [Size] may be displayed incorrectly, and has not sorted in descending order.
Oct 26, 2018

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  • Important (I): uses the Windows 10 style icons for all resources (drives, folders and files).
  • I: fully supports native Русский.
  • I: can reset the search scope to the default settings.
  • Options: accurately adjusts the size and location of every UI element, let them display properly in all languages.
  • Optimized the hot keys of main interface - ensure each hot key is unique.
  • Removed the hot keys for "Only scan ... drive(s)" and "Only scan ... folders/files" due to they are no sense.
May 18, 2018

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  • Important (I): fully supports native Deutsch.
  • I: fully supports native Polski.
  • I: Result interface: optimized the shortcut keys.
  • I: Result interface: modified the [Spent] field of the statistics area, more fluent syntax and more concise.
  • Main interface: accurately adjusted the location of each UI element for all languages.
  • Removed some unused resources, compacted product size and improved efficiency.
  • Optimized the text of "Stop Finding" button.
  • Optimized official webpage and the texts of translation interface.
  • I: some texts cannot be displayed in Deutsch.
  • Result interface: the icons of the context menu is still old style.
Sep 28, 2017

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  • Important (I): can move the checked duplicate files to other place.
  • I: can copy the full path of the highlighted resource to the Clipboard.
  • I: fully supports native Slovenščina.
  • I: fully supports native Português (Portugal).
  • Added the tooltips to <Find Now> and <Stop Finding> icons.
  • Optimized the English texts of software (interfaces and message boxes), especially, standardized the initial capital.
  • Removed the "Add to Quick Launch Bar" option from the installer, because from Win Vista, it has no meaning.
  • Changed "Get/retrieve your license (free)" menu item to "Lost license key?" to eliminate ambiguity.
  • Added "Get free license key via translation" function to the ... drop-down button.
  • A text item has not been translated for all languages.
Sep 09, 2017

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  • Important (I): made the progress window for deleting duplicate files - lists the files to be deleted for confirmation, displays progress bar, dynamically updates list during deleting, prevents the UI to be not responded during deleting files. Also available for moving duplicate files to Recycle Bin.
  • I: gives you a report after deleted duplicates: number of files, released space, the files that cannot be deleted and reasons. Also available for moving duplicate files to Recycle Bin.
  • I: greatly improved the speed of loading result, for loading after scanned and direct loading from result file both.
  • I: fully supports native Slovenščina.
  • Use line break for the text of <Stop finding> button, more beautiful.
  • Added "Update history" function.
  • Optimized the "Lost license key?" feature - links to the related segment of company site directly, in order to avoid clicking the mouse twice and jumping the page again.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized official website.
  • Optimized software texts for all languages.
Aug 15, 2017

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  • Important (I): all interfaces are more perfectly displayed under different DPI settings for different systems.
  • I: supports to display file size as TB if the file size reaches 1 TB.
  • I: optimized the appearance for the resource trees or lists which have the check boxes with icons - increased the distance between the check box and the icon.
  • I: now can show the update history directly if the new version is available and you chose to view the updates (in previous versions, just only jump to the 'Update History' segment, but have not expanded it, you need to expand it manually to see the update history).
  • I: now can show the "Usage" directly after clicked the Help button (in previous versions, just only jump to the 'Usage' segment, but have not expanded it, you need to expand it manually to see the details).
  • Optimized the "Request remote support" feature - links to company site directly, in order to avoid clicking the mouse twice and jumping the page again.
  • Added the "Video tutorial" menu item to the "..." button.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • The "byte" and "bytes" words are not multilingual.
Oct 22, 2016

Download This Version
  • Important: made the smart selection feature with the corresponding settings: automatically checks the unwanted files and only keeps one for each duplicate group, in order to let you quickly delete them or move them to the Recycle Bin.
  • Important: added the comparing algorithm and corresponding setting for the large files, now you can specify do sampling or full comparing for the large files. And you can set what are the large files by size.
  • Important: can scan and display the empty files. That is: adds the "Empty (0 byte)" size condition, and can see & filter them on the result interface.
  • Important: added the "Find" function for the result listing, now you can find file by name or path.
  • Important: displays the [Date created] field in the result listing.
  • Important: supports multi-language.
  • Important: fully supports native 简体中文 & 繁體中文.
  • Important: now the installer supports multi-language also, and let you choose when install. Even, D2FP can directly use the language that selected during installing.
  • Groups the options by horizontal line, friendlier and easier to use.
  • Open translation interface for multi-language version.
Aug 10, 2016
  • Important: optimized the interface greatly: more beautiful, friendlier and easier to use.
  • Important: uses the Segoe UI font which is used in Vista ~ Win10 and highly recommended by Microsoft for all interfaces, makes it to be more beautiful and friendlier greatly.
  • Important: changed the screenshots (website) from GIF to PNG, in order to let you see the clear and original interfaces.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized the text of product description.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Optimized the color of license type and "license to..." labels for about interface.
  • Changed the splitter color from black to gray for about interface to make it friendlier.
  • Optimized the installer, simplified the installed steps.
Oct 12, 2015
  • Important: perfected UI effect for any system DPI setting, in any supported Operating Systems (system DPI setting: in Windows 7, it can be changed at "Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display -> Make text and other items larger or smaller").
  • Important: supports Windows 10.
  • Important: uses Golden Ratio for the start position of the main interface.
  • Beautified About interface.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Optimized website texts.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized the definition of some icons.
Apr 03, 2014
  • Displays the statistics of the checked files.
  • Supports to highlight the selected group.
  • Added .ico file extension to the "Images" type.
  • Supports to open/run the highlighted file by a friendlier way: double-click.
  • Optimized some tooltips.
  • Optimized some prompts.
  • Optimized some interface texts, especially, the singular and plural, e.g. file/files, folder/folders, byte/bytes, group/groups, second/seconds, minute/minutes, and so on.
  • Reloads the result and unchecks the checked items after clicked the <No> or <Cancel> button on file deletion confirmation dialog box.
  • The hotkey of "Only Scan the Following Selected Drive(s)" option is invalid.
  • On "Folder(s) / File(s) Selector" interface, the <Clear> button is dead (does not change the background color when the mouse over).
  • On the main interface, can input two or more same extensions for the "Specify" file types.
Nov 14, 2013
  • Supports to select folder(s) / file(s) to scan/compare.
  • Supports to save / load the result.
  • Supports to specify the file extensions for finding.
  • Added option: Scan all sub folders for a specified path (yes/no).
  • Added option: Anyway, do NOT scan the system files (yes/no).
  • Added option: Anyway, do NOT scan the hidden files (yes/no).
  • Added option: Anyway, do NOT scan the following system / special folders. The default setting contains Windows, Program Files and Application Data for All Users / Current User folders, and more.
  • Supports to invert checks. Now, you can only check one file for all groups, and then click <Invert> button to check all other files (only retain one file for all groups).
  • Optimized the "Open/Run", "Open Location" and "Display Properties" actions: only for the highlighted file, not all checked files.
  • Optimized the prompt displaying algorithm to get the faster scanning and comparing speeds.
  • Prompts you to save the result when close the unsaved result window.
  • Moved all actions which need to run the default email client to the online webpages, in order to avoid the confusion if who has not a default email client.
  • Displays the selected resources type as bold, just for prominent displaying.
Oct 20, 2013
  • 100% accurate files comparison.
  • Can find out more duplicate files.
  • The faster files comparison algorithm to make the speed increased a hundredfold and the lower CPU and memory usage.
  • New user interface, more beautiful and friendlier.
  • Can select the file type(s) to find, such as Audio, Videos, Images, Documents, Applications, Compressed and All Other Types with or without Extension.
  • Provides more statistics on the result interface, such as scanned files/folders/drives counts and size, the found files/groups counts and size, spent (seconds or minutes) and filtered files/groups counts and size.
  • A litter improper text in the size(s) selector.
  • Cannot identify the network drives on Vista+ systems.
Feb 13, 2013
  • Can reset all search conditions to the suggested values.
  • Provides the more accurate icon for CD drives.
  • The more reasonable size(s) selector.
  • Uses the intelligent unit and decimal for file sizes and spent times.
  • Uses the thousands separator to display all numbers.
  • Can set whether to scan CD drives.
Nov 23, 2012
  • The filter can automatically remove the nonexistent files (may be deleted/moved outside this program, such as you deleted them in Windows Explorer).
  • Adds the following prompt to the result interface: It sorts the result by file size in descending and displays the two adjacent groups in different color, in order to help you to locate the larger unwanted files. By default, it does not check any file, please manually check the unwanted duplicate files for deleting. Please retain one file for a group at least, unless you are sure that all files in this group are unwanted.
Sep 15, 2010
  • Do not need to select the target path(s) again, only need to select the drive(s), because selecting the path(s) to find is unnecessary.
  • If it is finding duplicate files currently, it will show the prompt when you exit this program.
  • Does not allow you to change the search conditions during finding.
  • Adds "Find Us on Facebook/Twitter/Google+" functions.
  • Adds "View All Duplicate File Finder Products" and "View Company Homepage" functions.
  • Activates the browser after opened a webpage.
  • Optimized the product logo.
  • Important design bug: there may be more than one duplicate file groups under a same size (before versions put all duplicate files that have the same size to one group).
Aug 09, 2008
  • Does not display the grid in the result list.
  • Does not need your confirmation for every file, only asks one time (with file counts) for all unwanted duplicate files before deleting.
  • Optimized the definition of software icons.
  • Reduced the installer size.
  • Does not show the files in the result list if their groups have only one file.
Apr 17, 2006
  • Added the following functions to the Result interface: Move to Recycle Bin, Uncheck All, Show Properties for the checked duplicate files.
  • Optimized performance: does all processes in the memory to make the speed increased more than 20 times.
  • Optimized the interface and documentation.
  • Can display the spent time on the result interface.
  • Added search condition: scan system drive or not.
Dec 06, 2004
  • New release.


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主題:軟體推薦 - 重複檔案搜尋器加強版 - 根據檔案內容快速搜尋並清除您驅動器裡的重複檔(來自 ‘您的名稱’)









由 牛牛 @ 2022/10/22
最初从知乎上看到这个软件,购买了一年期的产品,由于自己对软件不了解,查重删除时出现了一些小插曲~开发者非常热心地帮助解决,专业、负责、严谨的态度让人很感动,及时解决了问题。深刻地感受到,这是一个有温度的产品,让人很放心,期待你们的产品越来越好!加油! K

由 妞妞 @ 2022/03/24

由 kayi.qi @ 2022/02/20
查重速度贼快,且贼准确!对于国内的朋友来说刚开始看到的时候可能感觉小贵,但如果单机使用的话一年的使用期限算下来每天才两毛二不到!真正 好用 高效 的东西!

由 WF望复一山 @ 2022/02/20
说实话,我是查了知乎知道了盗版,然后过来支持正版! 好评如潮!

由 Junk Removal Ocala @ 2022/01/07
Good ! easy and fast duplicate file finder.

由 Bob @ 2022/01/06
Quite impressive
Wow. found 8358 duplicate files. Quite impressive. Some of these files are one on my back up usb drive. A number of others are videos duplicate in different folders, some are files from my flight simulator, which seems to use same files in different aircraft. Overall looks very useful, but i will have to spend time sorting which can be deleated and which cant. I would suggest use software on a specific drive or area rather than everything, that would make life simpler. Think this one is a keeper

由 Anita Noratel @ 2021/08/25
It was very fast
It was very fast. Thank you very much.

由 Softpedia.com @ 2021/05/05
A useful and intuitive application that scans your entire computer or certain drives and displays file duplicates, so you can identify and delete duplicate files
There are situations when you are running out of disk space and in mostly all cases, you are tempted to enlarge your disk capacity by adding additional extra space. However, temporary folders and junk files that make room inside your system are amongst the few reasons why your computer will warn you about low space on specific partitions. Another trouble that you might encounter with your disk space is because of the huge amount of duplicate files and folders stored into your computer. Analyzing and removing them manually might become a strenuous job for some of us and here is where Duplicate Files Finder comes in handy. Designed with ease of use in mind, Duplicate File Finder Plus enables you to scan specific folders and partitions and remove all the duplicate files. Because it sorts the results by file size in a descending order, you can quickly find duplicates on your partitions relied on file contents. Simply specify the drives or the folders you want to be scanned, then quickly preview the found files. The main feature that makes the application to stand out is that it compares the files based on the contents, not file name, so you can rest assured that you get accurate results, no matter the size of the folder you are scanning. What's more, Duplicate File Finder Plus enables you to perform common actions for the checked files such as moving them to Recycle Bin, viewing the properties or simply opening the current file location. Considering all of the above, Duplicate Finder Plus proves to be a reliable and effective solution when it comes to scanning your partitions and removing all the duplicate files based on their contents.

由 SueFourMet @ 2019/09/14
nice app
I downloaded and installed without any difficulty, and having never used this type of program before was pretty impressed at how quickly it identified a huge number of duplicates. I have checked about 300 files from a couple of Document folders and all have been accurate so far, I was shocked at how many duplicates I have.

由 Lighter @ 2018/11/14
The program was fast
Installed with no issues. I worked with a 14 gb sub folder that I knew well. I tinkered with the preferences to get the general choices I wanted. Then looked carefully at the checked results. Before deleting anything I went back and tinkered with the preferences again and again until the results were what I wanted. This isn't tedious if you work folder by folder or even sub folders. The program was fast even though my test disk is a big old slug.

由 alordofchaos @ 2017/02/09
Very fast!
Very fast, will keep!

由 Edward @ 2016/05/20
This program searches very quickly
This program searches very quickly. I really like the way it presents duplicates so that you can know what you're doing when choosing to delete or not. Overall, this is a really good program and a definite keeper!

由 Ola @ 2015/06/22
The program is working and it's brilliant
The program is working and it's brilliant. Just started and already saved 10 GB. Impressive!

由 Billy D @ 2014/02/16
This is a great tool and fairly fast
This is a great tool and fairly fast. The options after the scan are also very handy. Thanks Trisun for this program. It is a very useful tool.

由 Pete @ 2013/02/16
I'm amazed!
I'm amazed! When I saw this giveaway, I thought, "Why would I have duplicate files?" I still tried it, though, because I've been running low on disk space lately. Wow, GBs! I guess I was sloppier when I first got this PC and the free space seemed inexhaustible. Thanks! : )

由 BitsDuJour.com @ 2012/10/05
Quickly Find Duplicate Files and Then Clean Them
You think you're about due to get a bigger hard drive, because you're running low on space. But have you ever stopped to consider that most of your hard drive is being occupied by duplicate files? Get a copy of today's discount software promotion, Duplicate File Finder Plus, and find out just how much space you can recover! This duplicate cleaner quickly finds and removes duplicate files on your drive based on their contents, not just their file names. With this duplicate remover, you won't have to rely on the consistently unreliable process of visually identifying duplicates based on name, file size, or date modified. Instead, the power of computers is used by Duplicate File Finder Plus to apply a high-speed file comparison algorithm to detect true duplicate files. And when Duplicate File Finder Plus presents you with the results, you can sort the list of duplicates by file size and start getting massive amounts of space back by starting with the largest files. It's incredibly easy to use Duplicate File Finder Plus, and there's a good amount of flexibility to be had, as well. Select your drive, specify the size of duplicate files you seek, and even go so far as to limit the scan to specific file types (movies and music files, for example). Which button do you push to start Duplicate Finder Plus? Why, the only button there is! The one that says "FIND NOW!". Yes, it's that easy!

由 Tata @ 2012/05/11
At last a decent duplicate file finder!
At last a decent duplicate file finder; excellent filtering is allowed, where to search, types of file to search for, video, images etc and select the size range of the files. When the search is completed a list of the duplicates is presented, it gives the file name, the file path, file size, file type and date modified. If you select a file the options are, move to recycle,delete, open run, open location and properties. According to the help it finds duplicates by content, rather than just size and name. This is by far the best duplicate file finder I have found because of its easy use and method of filtering, I will most certainly be keeping this first-rate piece of software.

由 Harry @ 2011/12/26
found multiple duplicates in a matter of seconds
Tested it on a folder where I knew I had a bunch of duplicate files from a recent recovery of an outside drive. This program found multiple duplicates in a matter of seconds in a folder with over 43,000 font files. Relatively self-explanatory interface and is easy to use.

由 mr.dave @ 2010/03/02
Like TriSun!
Very rare for a developer to be so thorough and caring for their customers. Thanks TriSun!

由 bungalow-build @ 2009/11/18
Thank you very much for an excellent software
Installed without problem on a WinXP 64 machine and am very pleased with the programme. I really like the fact that it picks up files that are the same but have different names. You have to be aware that there will be some false matches, but since I check the whether I want to delete something beforehand these are pretty easy to spot, checking what the files are is very easy as well so not an issue at all. This amounts to a huge advantage over those programmes that are based on file name matching. Thank you very much for an excellent software.

由 Software.Informer.com @ 2008/09/02
Quickly find and clean the duplicate files on your drives relied on file content
This duplicate file remover is a Windows utility able to detect all types of duplicate files. Using a quick and efficient scan, the application is capable of finding duplicate copies of any file on your PC, including documents, images, media, etc., which clutter up your PC and take up valuable disk space. Starting a search for duplicates with this tool is straightforward since its interface is intuitive and gathers all its options into one window. To start up, you need to determine the type of files you want to search and specify the location where the scan is going to take place, which can be all or any selected drives on your PC, including external units, and even specific folders. The search can be narrowed down by setting a specific file size and format. If any duplicates are found, the application will show you a list with the results; from this window you can open any file, send files to the recycle bin, or just remove them for good. Unlike other similar applications, this dupe finder does not integrate a preview pane, which could be a useful and time-saving feature when working with image files. During my test, this duplicate finder did a very good job at detecting a bunch of duplicate images scattered on my PC, according to my search criteria. The scan was fast and precise, so I was able get rid of unnecessary files and recover some space in my disk.

由 Bruce Evans @ 2007/08/23
This clone remover works great!
This clone remover works great! I tried a number of recommended duplicate file finder free programs this week, but this one with all of its features just blows them all away. Super fast! Super comprehensive! Thanks!

由 Biggfella @ 2006/07/12
Looks great
Installed fine. Reg fine. Runs pretty quick and looks like brings back good results. Looks great.

由 XP-Man @ 2005/01/31
The best easy duplicate finder I have used!
For program that checks content it is very fast and certainly worth investigating more thoroughly, maybe for the first time ever an easy duplicate finder worth keeping. Even though they have the same file name and were the same size the fact that a byte was different caused the program to reject it as a duplicate. The program does checked for content and it is also very fast therefore I shall most certainly be keeping it, the best easy duplicate finder I have used.

由 Alex McLeod @ 2004/12/14
Worked like a charm.
Worked like a charm. Thanks for the program.

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